How well do you think you recycle—and how well do you actually recycle? For many people there’s a disconnect between the two. They think they’re doing a lot, but in actuality they could be doing so much better. For example, have you ever just thrown a cardboard box into the recycling bin because, well, it can be recycled right? Well of course it can—but you could be doing so much better just by taking a few seconds and breaking the box down. Doing that gives you a whole lot more room to put even more into the recycling bin, boosting your recycling “grade,” so to speak and if you’re like many households, you probably let a whole lot sneak by that could be recycled that simply lands in the regular trash. Take plastic for one: 91 percent of this isn’t even recycled, and it could be. Want to learn more? This graphic explains it.
How to make sure your recycling efforts aren’t for naught
Infographic by Quill
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